The Breaking Point of Reader

My first insight into reader’s behaviour

Sandeep Giri
1 min readMay 2, 2014

I am no writer. I blog occasionally in diary style about recent events and sometimes thoughts. I am no great at it. But I am a hacker who analyses stuff.

While observing and discussing with all my readers, mainly friends and family, I realised a common pattern. They all left my article at the same point in the text. Exactly at the same point. As an example, if your read my blog post “Every dog has its day”, I know exactly that you will stop reading it at line starting with “If u have seen Ramayana”. If you don’t believe it, try reading it.

This is similar to breaking point in elasticity. The user is elastic. Your article is the stress that is trying to change user. User tries to adapt. After the user can’t take it anymore or force becoming more sudden, the user gives up — breaks away. The most interesting thing is breaking point is same for all readers.

Take aways

The should give the authors the whereabouts of user’s cursor on last page she was reading when she left the story.

